Earth Now Has 8 Billion Humans. This Man Wishes There Were None.
By Cara Buckley
Les Knight, 75, is the founder of the Voluntary Human Extinction movement. Mr. Knight added the word "voluntary" decades ago to make it clear that adherents do not support mass murder or forced birth control, nor do they encourage suicide. Their ethos is echoed in their motto, "May we live long and die out."
现年75岁的莱斯·奈特(Les Knight)是“人类自愿灭绝”运动的创始人。几十年前,奈特先生在这项运动的名称中加入了“自愿”一词,以此来表明其拥护者既不支持大规模谋杀或强制节育,也不鼓励自杀。他们的理念就体现在组织口号中:“愿我们长命百岁,然后走向灭亡。”
On Nov. 15, the Earth became home to a record eight billion human beings. Despite declining birthrates, the number is forecast to peak at 10.4 billion in the coming decades, in large part because of increases in life expectancy and decreases in child mortality.
Stephanie Feldstein, director of population and sustainability at the Center for Biological Diversity, said while greater human longevity and health were good things, they have come at a cost to other living things on the planet.
生物多样性中心人口与可持续发展部主任斯蒂芬妮·费尔德斯坦(Stephanie Feldstein)表示,虽然人类寿命的延长和健康水平的提高都是好事,但这也让地球上的其他生物付出了代价。
As the human population doubled in the last half century, wildlife populations declined by 70 percent. Surges in the human population would put increasing pressure on dwindling natural resources and the intricate web of animals, birds and plants that depend on them.
Mr. Knight says that despite our many achievements, humans are a net detriment to the Earth. His beliefs were rooted in deep ecology, which challenges assumptions of human dominance and argues that other species are just as significant.
"People mention music and art and literature and the great things that we have done," he continued. "I don't think the whales will miss our songs."